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[2] Yu Han, Weijiang Gong, Guozhu Wei∗. Realization of longitudinal pure spin currents in a four terminal parallel double quantum dot structure [J] Phys. Status Solidi B 246, No. 9, 2140–2145 (2009) (SCI)
[3] Yu Han, Weijiang Gong, Guozhu Wei∗. Rashba-related electron properties of a triple-terminal quantum dot structure [Z] International Conference on Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures, Minsk RUSSIA,MAY 26-29,(2009). (ISTP)
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[5] Guangyu Yi, Yu Han, Weijiang Gong, Haina Wu, Guozhu Wei∗. Persistent spin current in a quantum dot ring with Rashba spin–orbit coupling [J] Physics Letters A 373 (2009) 1672–1678. (SCI)
[6] Weijiang Gong, Yu Han, Guozhu Wei∗. Rashba-induced transverse pure spin currents in a four-terminal quantum dot ring [J] Solid State Communications 149 (2009) 1831-1835. (SCI)
[7] Haina Wu, GuozhuWei∗, YuHan, GuangyuYi, WeijiangGong. Exact results of adimerized S = 1 Ising chain with single-ion anisotropy[J] Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (2009) 3104–3109. (SCI)
[8] WANG Sheng∗, WEI Guo-Zhu and HAN Yu. Stark Effect Dependence on Hydrogenic Impurities in GaAs Parabolic Quantum-Well Wires[J] Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing,China) 52 (2009) pp. 953–959. (SCI)
[9] Yu Han, Weijiang Gong, Guozhu Wei∗. Bound states in the continuum in electronic transport through parallel-coupled quantum-dot structures [J] Phys Status Solidi B, 1– 8 (2009) / DOI 0.1002/pssb.200844482. (SCI)
[10] HAN Yu∗, GONG Wei-Jiang and WEI Guo-Zhu. Spin-Dependent Electron Properties of a Triple-Terminal Quantum Dot Structure. [J] Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China) 52 (2009) pp. 1117–1124. (SCI)
[11] Weijiang Gong∗, Yu Han, Xuefeng Xie, Guozhu Wei. Coulomb-modified Fano interference in a double quantum dot Aharonov—Bohm ring.[J]Phys. Status Solidi B, 1–9 (2010) / DOI 10.1002/pssb.201046022. (SCI)
[12] Weijiang Gong∗, Hui Li, Yu Han, Guozhu Wei. Detection of spin bias in a four-terminal quantum-dot ring.[J] Physics Letters A 375 (2011) 1333–1338. (SCI)
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[14] Dong-Qing Wei, Lin Gao, Jiao Zhang, Li-Wei Yan, Jin-He Hu, Lang Chen, Zi-Zheng Gong, Yong-Xin Guo, and Yu Han. Role of dipole elongation in orientationally ordered liquids. [J] PHYSICAL REVIEW E 83, 061703 (2011) (SCI)
[15] Sheng Wang∗, Yun Kang and Yu Han. Transverse Stark effect of electrons in GaAs semiconducting quantum boxes. [J] J. At. Mol. Sci. Vol. 2, No. 2, (2011)pp. 162-169. doi: 10.4208/jams.082510.092010a.(SCI)
[16] Yu Han*, Wei-Jiang Gong, Hui-Min Wang, and An Du. Fano antiresonance in electron transport through a parallel-coupled quantum-dot structure. [J] JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 112, 123701 (2012) (SCI)
[17] Wei-Jiang Gong∗, Yu Han, Guo-Zhu Wei . Spin accumulation assisted by the Aharonov-Bohm-Fano effect of quantum dot structures. [J] Nanoscale Research Letters 2012, 7:510 doi:10.1186/1556-276X-7-510. (SCI)
[18] Wei-Jiang Gong∗,Yu Han ,Francis N. Kariuki,and An Du. Spin accumulation in a multi-arm Aharonov-Bohm-Fano interferometer. [J] JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 111, 093707 (2012) (SCI)
[19]Yu Han, Xiao-Yan Sui,Wei-Jiang Gong*. Fano effects in electron transport through an armchair graphene nanoribbon with one line defect. [J] JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 113, 233701 (2013) (SCI)
[20]Yu Han, Zhi-Chao Li,YanWang,Wei-Jiang Gong*. Unidirectional heat current through a one-dimensional quantum spin heterostructure. [J] Appl Phys A DOI 10.1007/s00339-013-7811-3 (2013) (SCI)
[21]Yu Han∗, Xiu-Mei Yin, Hui-Min Wang, and Yu Wang. Electron Transport Properties in a Triple-Quantum-Dot Ring Driven by Spin Bias. [J] CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS VOL. 51, NO. 6-I (2013) (SCI)
[22] Wu Li-Jun and Han Yu*. Pure spin polarized transport based on Rashba spin orbit interaction through the Aharonov Bohm interferometer embodied four-quantum-dot ring. [J] Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 4 (2013) 047302(SCI)
[23] Jing Shan, Yun-Gang Wang, Yu Wang, Hui-Min Wang and Yu Han∗. Influence of Rashba Spin-orbit Coupling on Fano-Kondo Effect in a Parallel Double-quantum-dot Structure. [J] Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 64, No. 3, February (2014), pp. 429∼435(SCI)
[24] Jin-Tao Mu, Yu Han∗, Wei-Jiang Gong. Andreev reflection properties in a parallel mesoscopic circuit with Majorana bound states. [J]Physica B 509 (2017) 94–99
[25] Yu Han∗ , Xue Zhou, Xiao-Qi Wang , Lian-Lian Zhang, Wei-Jiang Gong. Aharonov-Bohm effect in a parallel mesoscopic circuit with double superconducting quantum dots. [J] Solid State Communications, 292 (2019)1-6(SCI)
[26] Yang Yang, Xiao Han , Yu Han , Wei-Jiang Gong∗.First-principle studies on electron transport properties in four-terminal MoS2 nanoribbons. [J] Physica B: Condensed Matter 554 (2019) 90–96(SCI)
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