郭淑萍,中共党员,博士后、副教授。2020年11月于中国科学技术大学获得博士学位,2024年12月入职辽宁大学物理学院。主要从事热电和磁性材料的第一性原理研究,包括高通量计算、机器学习辅助预测等方面,已在Nature Communications、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Chemistry of Materials等知名学术期刊上发表SCI论文18篇。Email: guoshuping@lnu.edu.cn。
2011/09 — 2015/07, 烟台大学,应用物理,学士。
2015/09 — 2020/11, 中国科学技术大学,凝聚态物理,博士。
2020/12— 2024/11, 德国莱布尼茨固态与材料研究所(IFW Dresden),磁性材料,博士后。
2024/12 — 至今, 辽宁大学物理学院,专任教师。
1. S. Guo*(郭淑萍), R. Morrow, J. van den Brink, O. Janson*, Machine learning facilitated by microscopic features for discovery of novel magnetic double perovskites, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12, 6103 (2024).
2. W. Ren #, W. Xue#, S. Guo#(郭淑萍),R. He, L. Deng, S. Song, A. Sotnikov, K. Nielsch, J. van den Brink, G. Gao, S. Chen, Y. Han, J. Wu, C. Chu, Z. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Ren, Vacancy-mediated anomalous phononic and electronic transport in defective half-Heusler ZrNiBi, Nature Communications, 14, 4722 (2023).
3. S. Guo(郭淑萍), S. Anand, M. K. Brod, Y. Zhang*, G. Jeffrey Synder*, Conduction band engineering of half-Heusler thermoelectrics using orbital chemistry,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,10,3151-3157(2022).
4. S. Guo(郭淑萍), S. Anand, M. K. Brod, Y. Zhang*, G. Jeffrey Synder*, Vibrational entropy stabilizes distorted Half-Heusler structures,Chemistry of Materials, 32, 4767−4773(2020).
5. S. Guo(郭淑萍), Z. Liu, Z. Feng, T. Jia, S. Anand, G. Jeffrey Synder*, Y. Zhang*, Prediction of improved thermoelectric performance by ordering in double half-Heusler materials,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8, 23590-23598(2020).
6. Z. Liu#, S. Guo #(郭淑萍), Y. Wu, J. Mao, Q. Zhu, H. Zhu, Y. Pei, J. Sui*, Y. Zhang*, Z. Ren*, Design of high-performance disordered Half-Heusler thermoelectric materials using 18-electron rule, Advanced Functional Materials, 1905044 (2019).